Devintech UAB: UniSPOK - apparatus of photomagnetotherapy


PhotoSPOK:Anti-inflammatory,Antiedematous,Analgetic,Throphy-regenerative,Immunomodulatory,Hemocorrective,Rheocorrective,Neuromyostimulating,body detoxication
A new-generation physio- therapeutic   apparatus   which is practically an effective combination of several physiotherapeutic apparatuses in one. The apparatus is portable, easy-to-use, safe and secure.

Lumbar OrthoSPOK-D

UniSPOK:Anti-inflammatory,Antiedematous,Analgetic,Throphy-regenerative,Immunomodulatory,Hemocorrective,Rheocorrective,Neuromyostimulating,body detoxication “Lumbar OrthoSPOK-D” 

An apparatus for delivery of a general magnetotherapy with a pulsed magnet field having a special form. Performed with a lumbar or arthrous inductor, it is used for treatment, prevention and rehabilitation of various pathologies:
- chronic pyelonephritis;
- urinary stone disease;
- vertebral osteochondrosis;
- back and spine injuries;
- radiculitis;
- neurological manifestations;
- lumbar osteochondrosis.
Technical characteristics of Lumbar OrthoSPOK-D:
Magnetic induction up to 15 mT
Overall dimensions of the electronic unit:
 Length up to 200 mm 
Width up to 90 mm
Height up to 40 mm
Overall dimensions of the inductor:
 Length up to 1450 mm
 Width up to 200 mm
 Height up to 20 mm
Powered by batteries or accumulators (1.5~1.75 Volt, ААА type – 3 pcs) Total weight of the device up to 1.1 kg

 ”Lumbar OrthoSPOK-D” apparatus is portable, easy-to-use, safe and secure, and may be used at various level medical and prophylactic institutions, recreation centres, on the sports bases, at home, in the car, and at work.

Device SPOK for


AndroSPOK: Increase penis size,premature ejaculation,prostatitis and erectile dysfunction treatment